Riley just asked me if she had her class this week. It was the highlight of her week last week. She has been talking about it nonstop. Thank you for finding a way to make this happen for the kids. You have no idea how much it helps them to have this normalcy in their life.
-- Ami D.
This class has been great for Sarah and Jacob. As always, I’m amazed with your ability to keep the kids so interested and involved - especially now and in this format. Thank you and please reach out if there’s anything I can do to help out any of you.
-- Jessica S.
Thank you for everything you’re doing to keep some semblance of normalcy and for making this work during this strange time. Amelia and Ellie really needed this and enjoyed it! The kids miss their EYT family and really appreciate being able to participate virtually. Stay well.
-- Ashley H.
Adriana (and we) have been SO happy that EYT is continuing on virtually. It gives some semblance of normalcy and is so vital for them to connect with their teachers and friends. Thank you for offering this!
-- Renee T.
It’s her favorite class all week, truly. Thank you, Janet!
-- Christine M.
I can’t thank you enough for setting this up. The first thing Evy asked when she woke up today was ‘so I have theater today’. You have given her something to look forward to each week now. We so appreciate you doing this for the kids! Thank you!!!!
-- Angela and Evy
Thank you again for continuing the sessions, it has really been a lifesaver in this house!
-- Molly B.
Thank you for your dedication! Theatre has become the highlight of Samantha's week!!!
-- Kristin R.
We appreciate all that you have been doing to keep the kids connected and engaged by continuing classes virtually. Ellie looks forward to it every week. Stay safe.
-- Best, Erin M.
Thanks for getting this up and running. It’s been a great experience for Sofia!
-- Stay safe, Aida I.
Thanks for all your doing to make this engaging and fun for the kids!
-- Emily N.
Thank you again for making this happen - we really look forward to Friday afternoons!
-- Annie T.
Simone is so happy to be a part of this community right now! Thanks for all of your hard work!
-- Best, Lauren P.
This was Alexa’s first experience with an actual play and she really loved it. Thank you for continuing the class over zoom. Alexa looked forward to it every week.
-- Bonnie F.
Thank you for all your efforts in keeping your program going. I know it's not easy but you guys have been incredible. The kids and us families truly appreciate it. And we miss you all terribly. And I pray you're all healthy!
-- Nicole D.
Thank you all for adapting to give the kids the consistency of weekly lessons. Also, thank you for always being so positive and encouraging to Bryony - she loves Essex Youth Theater :)
-- Rachel H.
Thank you for setting this up and for all you do!
-- Stef and Pat S.
Thanks so much. Madeline is enjoying the online classes very much. You can count her in for next Monday’s class as well. Be well! Best regards, Jim Thanks so much for everything you are doing and for keeping this going. We support you 100%!!! Thanks, Amy C. Thank you so much! We really appreciate how you found a great way to continue the class and even have the recital. Rita was truly excited to perform yesterday and felt very proud. I feel really proud of her and the group as well. It was actually a really cool experience! Thank you again for all of your impressive, hard work and stay well!
-- All the best, Amanda F
I just want to say "BRAVO". What a great job you and the children did with their virtual play. It was a lot of fun to see. Janet, I appreciate, as always, how kind, patient and caring you are to Mia. You truly are a great teacher and a wonderful person.
-- Thank You. Kim D.
The online recital gave everybody the front row! We can zoom in other family members on another device so they can participate as well. Thanks for all of your hard work and determination to keep this going through this very trying time.
-- John F.
Thank you so much, Janet, for orchestrating this play! It really meant so much to my girls. They love your class in person AND via zoom. It was magical!
-- Take care! Carrie
This was wonderful. Thanks so much Janet!! I’m really amazed that you were able to keep this going and to keep it going so well. In all of this madness, theater class was their most favorite activity each week.
-- Thank you. xoxo Jessica
We can't wait to watch Eva and friends perform tomorrow in this most unusual and wonderful production! As Eva's grandmother who lives in Massachusetts, I send you my deep appreciation and thanks for figuring out a way for this show and this production to go on within a world and context that none of us could have imagined even 3 months ago. I deeply appreciate all that you have done to keep children engaged and creative and productive. I love that there is a show!! And that we can watch it from afar. It is an experience that we deeply treasure. So thank you for all of it. And thank you most for the kind and generous tone and overview that has informed all of your communications from the very beginning.
-- Warmly, Deb S.
Hi Janet. We really appreciate all the effort that went in to continuing theater class. Luca really enjoyed it! He also took practicing to heart all last week leading up to the final Zoom recital, and was super comfortable, so thank you for the tips. It was fun to watch and all the kids were rock stars so thank you again!
-- Lydia M.
Thanks for keeping this going! The performance was great. My daughter does not want to do anything extra right now, so the fact that she was game to do the performance says a lot about EYT. I attribute this to the supportive environment you provide!! All of the little girls dressed as Pink Ladies is one of my favorite memories of COVID-19. Be well and thanks again for giving these kids so much support.
-- Regards, Lisa D.
Thank you for trying to come up with an alternative solution to acknowledge the kids and their hard work. It’s appreciated! Ami D. Thank you, Janet, for making the show happen in these circumstances - you all pulled it off! Miss Alicia, you’ve been a fantastic teacher- thank you for all your work and energy.
-- Take care and be well, Lise L.
Thank you so much. Frankie had so much fun. Hope we can do it again real soon.
-- Frank & Kate S.
Janet - you are a jewel. Thank you for all you do. Fostering creativity, positivity and friendship.
-- Birgitte P.
Hi Janet and Susan - Laura and I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful Ice Cream production last week. Laura loves your theater and is looking forward to the fall season. What you do with and for the kdis is just outstanding!
-- Susanne
Hi Janet, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how much Sydney enjoys the Creative Dramatics program. This has given her so much confidence and I love seeing her so comfortable in front of a crowd. Sydney used to be very reserved, I just can’t believe how much she has blossomed. She also recently did the talent show at Bullock and she was the lead singer with two back up dancers. I think your class really helped her stage and plan the act. A million thanks. I am signing her up for two of the camp sessions this summer. She absolutely adores you. I sing your praises all over Montclair.
- - Best, Crescent
Sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you what a great job you did with Charlottes Web. I was so impressed with Roses' performance I literally cried! Your camp has been beneficial to her in so many ways. She's gained confidence in herself and respect for her classmates. I really love the overall appreciation she has for a group project which she experienced under your guidance. Keep up the great work.
-- Best Regards, Duane V.
Our child Lily loves the experience of summer camp because Ms. Janet Sales gave each child attention and helped them on their lines and dances. Children accomplished more than ever they could have. For the first time, our child soloed a whole song with dance steps and numerous lines on the stage! The impacts of love and passion of Ms. Sales toward performing art and children are beyond the camp. Since then, our house has been filled with sing along by everyone in the family! We walked away from last Friday's performance with so much admiration toward you, for your love of performing art and of children. Thank you for everything!
-- Parents of Lily P
I did not get a chance to say hello after Saturday evening’s show. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this. Sydney had a wonderful time and wants to take the next session! I will be dropping the registration form in the mail. I have been telling anyone that will listen about how much Sydney loves this class. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and I think what you are doing with the children is amazing. Thank you for making her experience so positive.
-- Best, Crescent (Sydney’s mom)
Aiden had such a good experience this summer. It's the first time he's ever gotten up & ready to go to something without me reminding or encouraging him. Thanks so much for that. I think he's found his "sport." Have a wonderful summer and we'll see you in September.
-- Sincerely, Patricia B.
Hi Janet: I just put a registration form for Griffin in the mail today- He hopes to be in the Wonka show. He had such an amazing experience with James and the Giant Peach! Thanks for all of your nurturing!
-- Monica
Hi Janet, Thank you so much for your nice email! Hope there will be space for the week of class that Maeve wants to do. Hopefully you'll receive her form early next week. Malin had such a good time with her first theater class and the performance was great - she has still been listening to her CD from class at home over the past week! She can't wait to do another class next year. Thanks again, and have a great weekend
-- Ingrid
Hi Janet,
I want to say that the Willy Wonka show was so great. Paige enjoyed every single minute of those two weeks IMMENSELY. I have never seen her so happy about going to class each day and coming home so excited. She was singing all the songs from the show during camp, and now this past weekend she kept on singing all the different songs.
So thank you for a wonderful time. She proudly hung up her Fabulous and Funny certificate alongside the other ones she has. This was her fifth show with you guys (two with Sue, three with you).
Hope you have a very nice rest of the summer, and we'll see you in September for Creative Dramatics.
-- All the best, Adriana
Dear Janet,
I am writing to say thank you to you and your staff for almost single handedly jump-starting my child's ability to be comfortable around people and groups and to be able to stand up and speak or sing without feeling overly nervous or self-conscious about it. We first found our way to Essex Youth Theater -- many, many years ago -- when our daughter balked about appearing in a school play. She was one of hundreds of children in the production and had no solo lines or responsibilities, but the teacher called us in a panic because our child did not want to participate.
Until my child spent time at EYT, she had trouble being in groups and was not comfortable about having to stand up and say anything in front of anyone. But this is just one of many skills she learned at EYT, and for that I will always be grateful. You should see her now. She can get up and sing or speak or make a class presentation, and it's just no big deal! In fact, she recently started writing her own songs, and although she has no aspirations to become a performer, her comfort in front of a crowd is truly something to behold. This is what you and your talented staff have done not only for my child, but for so many others as well. There are not words enough to tell you how grateful I am and always will be. I tell everyone that EYT is the most worthwhile thing my kids have done and that they should hurry up and get their kids involved.
-- Tamima F.
I would like to let you know what a great job Harry and Co. did with the show! This was our first experience with you and it was just great. Thank you for making my daughter Olivia and all of the other children feel good about themselves!
-- Sincerely, Cordelia and Craig R.
Thanks so much Janet!!! Sami just adores both you and Stuart Little. It is the most precious activity of her young life and I am so happy to cross your path. She carries the script everywhere (I think it is great reading incentive). I look forward to meeting you. Thank you so much for this wonderful program and all your hard work.
-- Best, Magda S.
Janet and Susan:
I just wanted to send you both a note of sincere thanks for you dedication and hard work. My daughter had so much fun and made great friends. She loved the whole theatre experience, including the games, staging, learning her lines and her song. I was thrilled to hear about her stories of what she did at camp each day when I picked her up. I was also excited to see her on stage having a great time and just so happy to be up there. The Essex Youth Theater camp was a warm and nurturing environment for my daughter. You will definitely see us again!!
-- Sincerely, Anita Cipoletti
My daughter is enrolled in your summer program this week. My oh my, whatever you're doing, just keep right on doing it! I had heard great things about the program from several friends, but still, I wasn't sure if it would be a great fit for her as you never really know until you get there. This morning she said, "Mommy, this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do" and put her CD right in the player to practice the lyrics - for the 6th time since last night!
My question is - when do we sign up for the Fall Session? I know it fills up fast and I'd like to make sure we don't miss the opportunity.
-- Thanks, Caarin Fleischmann Davies
I just wanted to let you know that my daughter thoroughly enjoyed your Summer Theater Day Camp and she wants to do it again next summer.
As an actor myself, I was especially pleased with how she listened and reacted to the other actors in the group scenes. She didn't have that "deer-in-the-headlights" look while awaiting her next line. Anyway, many thanks and good luck with your future classes and camps.
-- Frank B.
Bravo to the Essex Youth Theater program, which has been an exceptional experience year after year for all three of my children. Janet Sales and her talented staff make magic, sparking the children's imaginations, confidence and sense of fun with her wonderful scripts and creative theater games. The shows are priceless - at every performance each child is truly a "star" and Janet's emphasis on teamwork throughout the play production process makes the program uniquely enriching. My kids simply can't wait for each new brochure to arrive so they can sign up again for the next season of fun-filled plays!
-- Elissa Stepansky
Hi Janet, as we come upon another Wednesday and (sadly) do not have your class, I just wanted to write you to thank you for all your efforts w/ the Mixed Up Mice production. It was so well done and, more importantly, all the kids looked like they were having fun. Thanks again and enjoy your spring/summer.
-- Stephanie Salzman
Katie has been enjoying Essex Youth Theater for three years now. She absolutely loves it. Janet and Harry are fabulous and truly instill a sense of self-confidence for all of their students. It is a wonderful experience.
Our son used to be introverted and quiet as a toddler. It is such a thrill to see him belting out a solo in costume on the stage with his theater friends. Thank you Essex Youth Theater for helping him share his sense of humor and talents with others. He has such a good time in your programs!
-- Mary Funari
EYT is the place to be!
-- Sasha Baker
Our daughter, Phoebe, has been performing in Essex Youth Theater productions since she was four; now in her fourth year on stage she's has a run that's longer than many shows on Broadway! The teachers are extremely nurturing, and saw our daughter smoothly through her first and only bout of stage fright like true troopers. And we like the tradition of "toasting" individual students at each class. Every child genuinely gets a chance to shine.
-- Lisanne & Adam
What a wonderful after-school and summer activity. My daughter LOVES Essex Youth Theater. As a parent, it's great to see my somewhat timid child speaking and singing loudly and clearly up on stage. But most importantly, she has so much fun doing it!
-- Lisa Hartman Tesla
My daughter Katie has had so much fun at Essex Youth Theater. She has met wonderful people, learned how to get up in front of an audience and perform. Her confidence level has soared.
My child is extremely shy. Taking acting class at Essex Youth Theater has been really beneficial for her. She loves going there and has a great time practicing and doing those imagination games. It is a great experience. I recommend it.
-- G. Cordera
© 2004-2024, Essex Youth Theater, Upper Montclair NJ. All rights reserved.