Fall 2024: Policies


By enrolling your child you are agreeing to these policies.
Please read carefully.


Waived if you register before Sept 3rd!

TO REGISTER: (If you do not receive a confirmation email, your child is not yet enrolled.)

Email the form on our website. Click here. Copy and Paste into an email, or Save and Email as an attachment. We will email confirmation, or inform you if your selected class is full. Class space is very competitive and sending a registration does not necessarily guarantee a space. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and space will not be reserved until registration form is received, and payment is received and processed. If you have not received a confirmation email from us your child has not been registered. Make sure your computer allows email from EssexYouthTheater@comcast.net.

Students will get the scripts and music emailed to them the after the first class. Please print out the script and have a method of playing an mp3 music track for homework.

By Visa or MasterCard, Zelle or Venmo.
Venmo handle is www.venmo.com/EssexYouthTheater (phone 7080). Zelle account is EssexYouthTheater@comcast.net. We will not process your payment unless you get a space. Confirmation is via email. Withdrawals must follow our Refund Policy. Proof of payment may be required to enter first class.

Since Essex Youth Theater provides custom-written scripts that guarantee equal roles for all students and limits class size, there are no “extra” roles or “ensemble” parts. Every student gets a starring role. Therefore, there is a Holding Fee to hold your child’s space, which increases in a tiered manner as we approach the beginning of the semester.

Withdrawals must be in writing (email okay). Withdrawals before Aug 19: 80% refund (20% Holding Fee);
from Aug 19-Sept 16: 50% refund (50% Holding Fee). No refund after Sept 16. Any refunds sent will be in the original method of payment. You may not use your credit card's “Dispute-A-Payment” or chargeback process for withdrawals. Refund Policy is firm with no exceptions - please do not ask.

We sympathize with the difficulty of juggling your child’s schedule, but we cannot defer tuition to a future semester for any withdrawals. Policy stands regardless of whether we subsequently re-fill the space.

In some instances, scheduling conflicts can be remedied by switching your child's class within the same semester. We will do everything we can to accommodate you, but if other classes are full you will be committed to your original choice. $10 Switching Fee waived for Fall 2024!

$5 per child after the first 10 minutes and an add’l $1 per child for every minute after until child is picked up. Invoice by email. Due upon child’s next class. An add’l $5 added if we must re-invoice you. See below for full Late Pick-Up Policy details.

Class is open to students ages 6-13. If your child is on the upper end in the 10-13 age range you understand they may be the oldest in the class. By accepting a spot in the class you are acknowledging that your child is aware of this and is okay with it. Composition of each class is random and EYT cannot make any guarantees regarding the ages or gender of the other students in the class.

Absences of three or more may jeopardize your child’s ability to participate in the Recital.

If your child has any medical or behavioral condition you must indicate it on the Registration Form. Serious medical conditions may, at the discretion of EYT, require parent to sign a waiver. Subsequent discovery of a behavioral or medical condition that parent has failed to disclose will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program with no refund. You agree to follow all EYT COVID policies and procedures.

As the legal parent or guardian, you release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Essex Youth Theater (EYT), its owners and operators, from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of EYT. For anyone attending the school, you agree and disclose that you are carrying your own medical insurance and assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of EYT activities.

You understand that EYT occasionally uses group photos of students in local newspapers and on its website and social media for school-related publicity. EYT will never use a student’s full name online. Some names may be mentioned in local newspapers for publicity purposes.

Courteous behavior is expected from students at all times. Essex Youth Theater reserves the right to deny enrollment based on a student's past behavior. Inappropriate or disruptive conduct will be grounds for dismissal from the program with no refund.

We list here a handful of things younger children have done in the past (in all innocence) even though parents thought these pre-schoolers could be relied upon to behave:
1. Changed seats, tripped over a video wire, disconnected it, and ruined the DVD for the entire class.
2. Started crying noisily during a child’s quiet and beautiful scene or song.
3. “Escaped” from Mom’s arms and ran about happily (and loudly).
4. Called out “There’s Johnny!” when an older brother appeared, disturbing his concentration.
5. Our favorite: Ran up on stage during the show.

One of the most commonly heard “proposals” from dissenting parents is this: “Well, I’ll sit near the door and if s/he starts acting up, I’ll just sneak out.” Please consider this: From the time a child becomes unmanageable to the time s/he is actually removed from hearing distance, a full 30-60 seconds typically elapses. Most of the songs and scenes last 120 seconds only. That means that one half of a child’s song or scene is in effect ruined by the pre-schooler’s noisy exit. Chances are that the crying toddler is not related to the performing child. Despite our best efforts, some parents have tried to “smuggle in” children under 4. Therefore, we have found it necessary to become “Baby Bouncers”. Do not jeopardize your own ability to attend the show. Leave your infants, and 1, 2, and 3 year olds at home with a sitter. Thank you for your understanding.

We here at Essex Youth Theater (EYT) have experienced an ever-increasing rash of late pick-ups by parents. While we understand that traffic, long lines at the Acme, or just plain life can sometimes make a person late, please keep in mind that with 16 students per class, each parent being late only once has, in past summers, resulted in the teacher being kept waiting every single day.

In addition to your child becoming upset if you do not arrive as usual, remember that our teachers are professionals in the theater industry and some have children of their own, with their own rehearsals and commitments to attend to after class. I think you will agree it is unfair that an unexpected delay you may encounter results in the teacher unable to get home on time to take her own child to a piano lesson, or that we have to pay staff overtime to wait. Because traffic and other outside factors are always unpredictable, allowing a margin in your travel time is key.

Since the primary responsibility of Essex Youth Theater is your child’s protection and well-being, the following policy has now been set in place in the event that you do not pick up or arrange to have someone pick up your child at the end of class:

1. EYT will attempt to reach all emergency contact numbers, including parents or guardians at home, work and cell phone numbers, as provided by parent/guardian on the child’s registration form.

2. It is your responsibility as parents or guardians to provide the number of any and all persons who you authorize to pick up your child and to keep EYT informed of any changes in these contact numbers.

3. If EYT is unable to reach anyone at any of the contact numbers provided by the parent/guardian, and one-half hour has elapsed, EYT will unfortunately need to call outside authorities such as the police.

4. A late fee of $5.00 per child will be assessed after the first 10 minutes and an additional $1.00 per child for every minute after that will be assessed until your child is picked up. Invoice will be sent via email. This fee must be paid in full upon your child’s next class. A past-due fee of $5 will be added each time we must re-invoice you. All fees not paid by the Recital Day will jeopardize your child’s participation in the show.

5. Under all circumstances, the staff of EYT shall not hold your child responsible in any way for the late pick up, and discussion of this issue will only be with the parent or guardian and never with your child.


© 2004-2024, Essex Youth Theater, Upper Montclair NJ. All rights reserved.